Demonstrative Adjectives

The demonstrative adjectives are:
this- este, esta
that- ese, esa
that one over there- aquel, aquella
these- estos, estas
those- esos, esas
those over there- aquellos, aquellas
All demonstrative adjectives come before the noun. They also agree with the noun in gender (masculine or feminine) and in number (sigular or plural).
When conjugating demonstrative adjectives you should ask yourself three questions.
1.) Distance? -near(est-), or far (es-)
2.) Gender? -masculine (-e or -o) or feminine (-a)
3.) Number? -singular or plural
For examples:
this cat- este gato
that towel- esa toalla
that store(over there)- aquella tienda
this- este, esta
that- ese, esa
that one over there- aquel, aquella
these- estos, estas
those- esos, esas
those over there- aquellos, aquellas
All demonstrative adjectives come before the noun. They also agree with the noun in gender (masculine or feminine) and in number (sigular or plural).
When conjugating demonstrative adjectives you should ask yourself three questions.
1.) Distance? -near(est-), or far (es-)
2.) Gender? -masculine (-e or -o) or feminine (-a)
3.) Number? -singular or plural
For examples:
this cat- este gato
that towel- esa toalla
that store(over there)- aquella tienda
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